Bela Vista Painting Co.
The company is a completely licensed and insured residential and commercial property painting contractor. We service all Broward County and the surrounding neighborhoods. We submit free estimates for all residential and commercial painting projects, and we stand by our work with a written warranty.
OUR GOAL is to hang on to you as a lifelong client.
We set value and client service ahead of everything else. Our skillfully accomplished veteran painters and craftsmen are devoted to making sure that the homeowner is entirely pleased and satisfied with your residential or commercial job.
All of our labor is carried out by our skilled “in-house” employees who are thoroughly screened prior to employment. We rigorously train all our workers to be professional, peppy and considerate. Our past clients have been very satisfied with our finished products and the positive posture that our craftsman show in getting the job done right.
Residential & Commercial Painting in Parkland, Lighthouse Point, FL & Surrounding Areas
A quality interior painting job requires a higher level of ability and attention to the finer points.
House Interior Paint, Delray Beach, FLResidential paint of walls, baseboards, ceilings, crown moldings, doors and trims. | Tile Accent Wall |
Wainscoting, Interior Painting, Coral Springs, FLChange color of walls and wainscoting installation and painting. | Stairway Railings Painting, Boca Raton, FLHouse Interior Painting including stairway railings, baseboards, walls and ceilings |
House Interior Painting _ Delray Beach, | Residential Interior Painting, Boca Raton, FLMaster Bedroom Interior Painting of walls, crown moldings, ceiling, walls and baseboards |
Crown Molding Installation and Painting, Parkland, FL | Kitchen Refacing, Parkland, FL |
Painting and new flooring installation |
About our Services
When beginning a new interior painting project, we always start with a no cost color consultation with one of our veteran interior estimators that understands that the color and look of any residence is essential to creating a comfortable and pleasing environment.
Whether we are painting a whole house, or just a kitchen or bathroom, we can deliver not only a professional painting job, but one that corresponds to your lifestyle.
Our employees pride themselves on been respectful of your family and your home. Sanitation is of the highest consequence to us. Our workforce of painters focuses on orderly work practices, ensuring that the project site stays clean and unspoiled. We’ll protect all of your fixtures, appliances, equipment, furniture and art. When we’ve finished for the day, we leave your property clean so you can continue your daily routine with the least amount of disturbance.
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Exterior Painting and Roof Tile WashPower Wash of entire house, including Driveway, walkways, Roof tile and Pool deck . | Driveway Concrete Staining_Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Driveway Painting, Parkland, FL |